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“There’s no one who can beat me at my best.”- Faker

Lee Sang-hyeok, better known by his game ID ‘Faker

“There’s no one who can beat me at my best.”- Faker

Lee Sang-hyeok, better known by his game ID ‘Faker’, is one of the most recognizable and influential names in the League of Legends community. Hailing from South Korea, he is a professional gamer who has won numerous tournaments and competitions in his field. He is the most successful player in the history of League of Legends with a record of three World Championships, eight LCK titles, and many more. Faker is known for his aggressive playstyle and his ability to handle tough situations in-game. He is often regarded as the "God" of League of Legends, with many players attempting to emulate his skill and success.

Early Life

Faker was born on May 7, 1996, in Seoul, South Korea. His love for video games started at a young age, and he began playing games like StarCraft and Warcraft III. He was introduced to League of Legends in 2011 and started playing the game competitively soon after that. He quickly gained recognition for his exceptional skills and was signed by SK Telecom T1 in 2013, where he still plays to this day.

The Road to Success

Faker's road to success was not an easy one. He faced many challenges and obstacles while trying to establish himself as a competitive gamer. However, his hard work and dedication eventually paid off, and he became a dominant force in the League of Legends scene. His quick reflexes, unparalleled game sense, and creativity make him one of the most formidable players in the world.

At the 2013 World Championship, Faker made his mark by leading his team to victory against Royal Club Beijing in the grand finals. His performance in that match is still regarded as one of the most memorable moments in League of Legends history. Faker's success continued over the years, and he won his second and third World Championships in 2015 and 2016 respectively.


Faker's legacy in the world of esports is undeniable. He has set the standard for what it means to be a professional gamer, and his contributions to the League of Legends community are immeasurable. His talent and skill have inspired countless players and fans alike to strive for greatness, and his name will undoubtedly be remembered for years to come.

In conclusion, Faker's impact on the League of Legends community cannot be overstated. His skill, his dedication, and his iconic one-liners have made him one of the biggest names in esports. He has inspired a generation of gamers to pursue their dreams, and his legacy will continue to shape the world of competitive gaming for years to come.